Monday, August 8, 2011

My sponge is wet.

The other night, Yurika asked me what my most memorable workshop was. Whether it was the most enjoyable or where I learned the most, what was at the top of my list?

You know, I'm still trying to think of the answer. I've had so many workshops over the years that I can't even begin to count. Odaiko, katsugi okedo, voice, classical dance, movement, percussion, basics, rhythms, body percussion, striking, Indian dance, Korean drumming, polyrhythms, and probably 15 more I'll think of when I finish typing this.

When I was new to taiko, when I realized how much there was to learn, I was so...absorbent. I was a dry sponge trying to soak up as much knowledge as possible.

After 18 years, I realize that I'm saturated with knowledge. It's not that I know all there is to know by any means, but I don't have that same visceral reaction to taking workshops and learning new things. It's still fun, but my brain tends to be a lot more picky about what sticks with me.

Bruce Lee is quoted for the famous quote about "emptying your cup" when it gets full so that you may make room for more knowledge. I find the sponge analogy more fitting, because I'm constantly keeping the sponge wet via practicing but there's only so much water it can hold before it's leaking onto the floor. Do I need a bigger sponge? Should I ring it out? What would those metaphors even mean?

How's your sponge?

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