Thursday, May 26, 2011

Question Everything: Song names

I hate naming my songs. I always wait until the last possible day - which is when someone on Staff says, "if you don't give it a name now, we'll name it ourselves." Maybe someday I should let them? Ha. Nah.

A little while back, Yurika pointed out that none of the songs I've written (3 regular pieces, 2 encores) had Japanese names. I hadn't even realized that myself; it wasn't a conscious decision to avoid Japanese names. Hell, I've even contemplated Gaelic names for songs in the past, but never Japanese. Why is that? Hmm.

I don't criticize those who do pick Japanese titles for songs, mind you. I just wonder how many people pick a Japanese title because it sounds cooler? "Zoosan Mitsukete" sounds really cool, but "Find the Elephant" does not. There are also times when a word or phrase has a secondary or slang meaning that the author didn't know about, which can be really unfortunate. That happens with group names, too!

I'm not here to call anyone out for what they name a song, only to make people think about why they name things what they do!

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