Monday, March 15, 2010

Injuries and regrets

Sometimes I wonder how long I'll be able to do what I do.

Karate 2-3 nights a week, taiko 2-3 nights a week, weekend rehearsals, gigs, tours, run-outs, tournaments - sooner or later I'll have to stop it all because my body won't let me continue. Stupid body. But that's the truth of the human condition, right? We can't do the fun stuff forever.

I've been lucky given my moderately-high risk activities! Bruises, sprains, tweaks and pulls have been the worst, which is fine considering all the fists, feet, and drumsticks I've been hit with over the years. :)

Still, I see other people in both karate and taiko get injured and they're not able to do as much as they used to. Since I tend to be...rather "animated" whether I'm playing or sparring, I really don't relish the thought of not being able to jump about, swing my arms however I want, push my limits, etc.

So I tell you, dear readers, make the most of it NOW. You never know when you'll be forced to stop your art for physical reasons! I'm not saying to go overboard and risk the very injury that might stop you (of course not). But don't wind up down the road regretting that you could have done more, that you should have tried "that one thing" when you can do it NOW.

Keep filling your future with fond memories and you'll have much less room for regret.


  1. What is your current favorite memory? from taiko or karate?

  2. Wait, did you want one from both? Or which one stands out given both categories?

  3. Hmm. Top memory, one for each. And then, of those two, which one is the best?

  4. Couldn't pick, to be honest. It depends on my mood at the time - sometimes I'll focus on an achievement (earning a belt, writing a song) or something I pulled off (an epic solo or scoring a sweet technique). It's a bit of a cop-out, but my answer changes from week to week.
