Thursday, February 26, 2015

6 years!

Happy Birthday, blog-of-mine!  Six years ago I posted my first entry and look where I am now!  ...pretty much the same, but with less ranting, more questions, and always - always - striving to get better.

There's been 623 posts before this one.  That's a LOT of stuff to wade through for people coming here for the first time.  I highly recommend using the search bar here for something that might interest you, or clicking on a topic in the "labels" section that catches your eye.

As always, I'm open to tackling issues and topics that you might have, and you can reply to posts anonymously or email me on FB.

Also on that note, I'm curious if there's interest in certain types of posts, like more drills (either with or without video), more posts on composition, on touring, etc.  It never hurts to ask!

Looking forward to the next six years!  Thanks for being a part of it!

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