Last Saturday, SJT held an internal Composition Retreat. The goal was less about coming up with a product and more about helping people know how they create, the tendencies of other people, and some creative exercises to get the juices flowing.
To that end, I found the day a success for the group; less so for me because I find I already know how I work best.
Still, I did get one crazy idea: I want to try writing a song a week for 12 weeks. Why 12 weeks? Because 52 weeks is insane! Seriously though, three months just sounded like a manageable chunk of time, and it'll be over just as the gigs start getting more and more plentiful.
I'm giving myself some rules.
- No working on a song until Monday. This includes thinking of a concept or idea that I want to develop.
- Sunday deadline. No matter what, Sunday is the last day I can work on a song started the previous Monday. If I'm out and have ideas that I can't put down until Monday or later, it's ok to do so.
- Beginning, middle, end. I may have more than this, but those three sections are the minimum requirements to make a "song."
I may come away from this with absolutely nothing, but I hope that even if none of the songs are actually workable, I'll be able to use some of the ideas for future pieces. It'll force me to dump a lot of product in a short amount of time and might help me build creative momentum.
As for documenting, I'll try to figure out a way to make an mp3 of each "song" and perhaps also put up the sheet music somewhere for people who are curious. I'll blog about it once a month to give a summary of what I've done.
Stay tuned!
When do we get to hear some of these things? Or will we have to wait for SJT to perform them?
Ideally, I'll have mp3s just after the end of each month (4 songs' worth.) After the 12 weeks are over, I'll take some time to compile the sheet music + notes for download if anyone is interested, perhaps along with some video footage of movements (if any).
ReplyDeleteAs for SJT performing them, If there any I feel like continuing, I'll probably have to wait until next year since we're just about to head into concert prep for October!