Sunday, March 8, 2009

I had to say "easy tour"...

Last night around 1am, I realized, "hey wow, it's really 2am" because of Daylight Savings Time. I figured I needed to get some sleep since I wanted to get some eats before the theater call. Just as I was about to get the lights off and get to bed, my roomie sat up (had been in bed for about over an hour), exclaimed they were feeling really bad, and ran off into the bathroom to "hug the toilet" as it's been phrased. I decided to go pick up some supplies from the local pharmacy, so I walked a couple of blocks in the rain to grab some Pepto and Gatorade.

In the morning, I went out for breakfast and got a call - another member caught a stomach bug and is in much worse shape. So bad, in fact, that they can't perform the 2:00 show. And it's now 11:00. Oy! So we all met up and re-work the set. A 7-person show can be done, but there's hardly any time to practice; we couldn't do any playing until 1:30. Yipes!

Well, we pulled it off! My roomie was a trooper and played through the entire set, then we sent them back to rest up. No food + strained system + concert = wiped. I had to play a lot more than normal, but the parts I were covering were parts I've played quite often in the past. Others had a lot more cardio on their plate. But we did it, last minute, and delivered a strong performance to a sold-out show. Hoo-rah!

After the concert, I got to see my cousin's wife (whom I'm now referring to as my cousin, lol). I was answering questions from other fans but got to spend some time chatting with her in the house after everyone had left. She underestimated the time it took to get to Hanover and only caught the 2nd half, but really enjoyed it. She bought our DVD and will spread the joy to those who couldn't make it. Thanks Bridge!

An hour after the show, we had a workshop for 20 people - students and fans alike. We crammed in Renshu (the basic taiko song that most groups learn a version of) for them after some fundamentals training. That was pretty darned tiring, but it was still fun. By the time we finished with that and got out to eat, the 6 of us were drained and fading. We did bump into/sit next to a couple who went to the workshop, though; they were pleasantly surprised!

So tomorrow is a duo of school shows with kids bussing into the theater. We've got an 8am call there, but that marks the end of tour. After that is packing everything up, returning the Budget truck, and...there's a place called King Aurthur Flour Bakery nearby-ish that people want to visit. I hear they have yummy things. But no wings. :P

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